
Judges - Warnings from Israel's Past: The Need for Truth - Max Plager 05/26/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Max Plager continues the series called 'Judges - Warnings from Israel's Past'. Max discusses the life of Micah in Judges 17. He points out how Micah was trying to have a relationship with God but through his own eyes not God's. How we must be guided by the Godly men and women around us to keep us on track. We must always be seeking God's truth to grow as he wants us to grow.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 05/26/24

Judges - Warnings from Israel's Past: Good Leadership - Mark Kang 05/19/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Mark Kang continues the series called 'Judges - Warnings from Israel's Past'. Mark shares insights from the books of Judges and Matthew, on the signs of good leadership and bad leadership. How in times of bad leadership, we do what is right in our eyes and not what is right in God's eyes. How this leads us to lives of hardship and destruction.

Premiere: 1:00 PM 05/19/24

Judges - Warnings from Israel's Past: What Will Be Your Legacy? - Andrew Elliott 05/12/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Andrew Elliott continues the series called 'Judges - Warnings from Israel's Past'. Andrew shares from Judges 11 about Jephthah, a man who had a shady past, but was chose by God to lead his people. He was not the best, but he was God’s chosen. His legacy was one of faith. Andrew asks "What will your legacy be? Will it be one of faith?"

Premiere: 1:00 PM 05/12/24

Judges - Warnings from Israel's Past: Olumide Faulkner 05/05/24

This week in the Detroit Church of Christ, Olumide Faulkner begins a new series called 'Judges - Warnings from Israel's Past'. Olumide shares from Judges chapter 3, how God's people go through times of 'doing evil in the eyes of the Lord' and forgetting God's principles. How, only through the hardship that resulted, they were humbled and 'cried out to the Lord' for help. He asks, 'Are you willing to rise up, follow your godly leaders, and find your victory and peace?'

Premiere: 1:00 PM 05/05/24